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Game Fencing Explained By Alabama’s Straight Shooter Game Fencing

In Business on January 21, 2020 at 6:30 pm

Straight Shooter Game FencingGame fencing isn’t something that many people think that much about. However, this type of boundary makes up an important part of the American landscape. We recently sat down with the experts at Alabama’s Straight Shooter Game Fencing to find out what, exactly, a game fence is. 

Q: Good morning, we always appreciate when experts are available to answer our questions.

Straight Shooter Game Fencing: It is no problem at all, and we were thrilled to receive your call.

Q: We had a reader send us a rather interesting question a few weeks ago, and we thought you might be the perfect people to contact for the answer.

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Success is Built On A Foundation Of Failures

In Education, Private School Brentwood on January 14, 2020 at 7:32 pm

Currey IngramIf you are a parent, you already know that watching your children suffer the consequences of mistakes is hard. After all, they are our perpetual babies, and we only want them to be happy. However, the experience of trying, failing, or making a bad decision is a crucial part of the growing up process. Not only does failure mold a young person’s personality, but it is also an opportunity for self-reflection and gives them the tools to be more confident at home and at school. We recently reached out to a few boarding schools for advice on letting teens and tweens make mistakes. Currey Ingram Academy, located in Brentwood, TN (a city near Nashville), responded with plenty of practical advice.

How mistakes play a role in adolescent development

Mistakes come in many shapes and forms. As our children grow into young adults, they must learn to be responsible for themselves. The mistakes they make along the way to adulthood are an opportunity to learn about independence. For example, your child fails to read an assignment rubric all the way through and misses a crucial component. Their paper is well written, but they receive an F because they neglected to include the requested information. As a parent, one of our first reactions might be to contact the teacher to request leniency and a passing grade.

What does this do for the student? Unfortunately, it only teaches them that they always have a safety net and are not fully responsible for their own actions. Instead, allow them to take a failing grade and whatever consequences come with it. They might have to miss out on classroom rewards, but they will soon learn from this mistake and come out on the other end a better student.

Teachers who understand the special needs of school-age children with learning disabilities know that watching mistakes unfold is emotionally wrenching. However, young people must have missteps in their history as they serve as the building blocks of basic problem-solving skills. While teenagers still need guidance as they learn about the world around them, allowing them to make age-appropriate blunders builds confidence. They can also lead to resounding successes.

History is full of examples of ways that making a mistake turned out to be the best possible action. Teabags were the result of a misunderstanding between a vendor and a customer. The vendor packaged loose tea samples in a silk pouch; the client did not remove the leaves from their tiny bag before dunking it in hot water. Cornflakes were a manufacturing mistake, Post-it notes were created from a failed glue experiment, and penicillin was born when Alexander Fleming failed to properly sterilize Petri dishes in his laboratory. The point is that if mistakes were never allowed to happen, the world we live in would be much different today.

Teaching healthy responses

Administrators from the boarding school in Brentwood explain that teaching young people how to handle mistakes starts with modeling acceptance behaviors. When they see the adults in their lives accept the consequences of their actions without negativity, they learn to respond in kind. As a parent, you can showcase the practice of mistake acceptance by not overreacting when you make a misstep yourself. Forget to pick up eggs and need to bake a cake? Avoid the temptation to grumble about an extra trip to the store. Instead, load everyone up and talk about how fun your kitchen time will be.

Another way to encourage a healthy response in the face of adversity is to show empathy for errors, whether they were intentional or not. If your student gets angry with a friend and calls them the name and then feels guilty about it, listen to them. In this scenario, they may have let their emotions take over. While there are hurt feelings on both sides, this is simply a lesson in anger management. When situations like this happen at boarding schools, staff typically do not intervene but are instead on standby for moral support. 

Educators from the Nashville area special needs school often teach that making a mistake is like using a GPS. When you are driving a vehicle and miss your turn, your vehicle’s internal guidance system tells you to make a U-turn as soon as it is legal and safe. The same principle can easily be applied to make mistakes. In the above-mentioned plot, the student might need to turn around and go back to where they began, which is with their friend. Chances are, a heartfelt apology will be accepted, and they can move forward with their friendship.

Another idea is to make a point to share your own mistakes. Dr. Jane Hannah, the Brentwood boarding school’s Upper School Division head, suggests opening up a conversation about mistakes at the dinner table each evening. Talk about the challenges of your own day and how your first response may not have been the best one. Make a point to emphasize the lessons you learned along the way.

One of the most important things teens can learn is that it is okay to make mistakes and that a single bad decision is not going to ruin their lives. Teach that mistakes are not failures until the person making it refuses to take the blame.

Currey Ingram Academy is a boarding school for students with learning differences. Located in Brentwood, Tennessee, the 83-acre campus houses students from 33 states and eight countries. Visit for more details.

All You Need To Know About Asphalt and Sealcoating

In Uncategorized on January 3, 2020 at 8:47 am

Hargrove SealcoatingIf you have an asphalt driveway or own a business or apartment community with a parking lot in Franklin, sealcoating is a service you can not afford to forgo. According to Hargrove Sealcoating, this simple and inexpensive maintenance task can save you thousands of dollars in repairs and replacement costs as well as enhancing the look of your exterior.

So what, exactly, is sealcoating? The Franklin-based company explains that this is the process of protecting asphalt pavement. It is done by applying a thick coat of coal tar or a resin-based mixture to the top of an existing asphalt structure. Its purpose is to form a protective coating for the driveway’s top layer. 

How asphalt is installed 

To better understand how sealcoating works, you should first know how an asphalt surface is laid onto the ground. Even though it is flush with the surrounding terrain, the black driveable area you see is supported by multiple layers. First, the natural subgrade is smoothed out. This is followed by adding a layer of thick granular material, usually compacted gravel 4-6 inches thick. Finally, the surface layer is poured on top. This is a mixture of aggregate (usually small gravel and sand) blended with crude oils and other filler materials. These layers are compacted and smoothed out by a rolling machine.

When to apply sealcoat

It is best to wait six months to one year before sealcoating a new surface. Because Franklin and the surrounding area get heavy rain and snow during the fall, it is usually advised to postpone until spring before sealcoating for the first time. This is because the emulsion, which seeps into the surface and strengthens the bond of the aggregate top layer, must have time to dry. Rain and ice wash away the binding agent, leaving the surface vulnerable to the elements. Sealcoating is recommended every two to three years after the initial application.

If you are unsure of the maintenance history of your asphalt surface, there are a few signs that it is time for attention. First, look at its condition. Small cracks, an uneven plane, and dull color (old asphalt turns grey when it needs to be sealcoated) are all good indications of neglect. If you are not comfortable assessing this on your own, and you live in Franklin, Spring Hill, Murfreesboro, Brentwood, or Nashville, Hargrove Sealcoating can help you make the determination and provide a quote.

Keep in mind, however, that sealcoating cannot be applied when temperatures are below 50° and when rain is on the horizon.

Before and after

There are things you can do to ensure the sealcoating process goes smoothly. Start by removing all vehicles, equipment, and toys from the driveway or parking lot. Because the surface must not be driven on for at least 24 hours, make other arrangements for these items, and park in another location. If you typically fertilize the grass, do not do this for at least seven days before your sealcoating crew arrives. Turn off your sprinkler system, even if it does not typically spray toward the asphalt. Do not clean the driveway or parking lot with water. Hargrove Sealcoating’s team will prep the surface. 

After the sealcoat is applied, do not mow or turn the sprinklers on until the next day.

Tips on choosing a sealcoating contractor

  • Avoid door-to-door solicitors. A reputable sealcoating contractor will not show up on your doorstep with a bucket of blacktop and a push-broom asking if you need your driveway resurfaced. (An exception to this is if they are already at your neighbor’s home.)
  • Check their rating and reputation. Look at your preferred company’s website for testimonials and check their rating with the Better Business Bureau.
  • Ask to see their license and insurance. Hargrove Sealcoating is fully licensed and insured for customer protection. Any business claiming that neither of these is necessary is not someone you want to do business with.
  • Request a written estimate and contract. While sealcoating in Franklin is affordable, make sure your contractor provides a written estimate that includes information on their warranty.

When applied correctly and at the right time, sealcoating every few years can double the life of your asphalt surface. The hundreds of dollars spent on this process can save thousands (possibly tens of thousands) in repairs and replacement costs associated with asphalt neglect.

For more information on sealcoating in Franklin, Nashville, Murfreesboro, Spring Hill, Brentwood, Thompson’s Station, and Lewisburg, visit