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Fred Wehba on Love in its Purest Form

In Religion on November 3, 2015 at 5:14 pm

Fred WehbaLove, says Fred Wehba, is best described in the Bible. After all, there is no greater source of love than the love of God. Here, Fred Wehba answers questions about the greatest of all gifts.

Q: How does the Bible define love?

Fred Wehba: In 1 Corinthians 13, it is stated that love is patient. This means that those who love have the ability to do so despite obstacles they must overcome.

Q: What does it mean that love does not envy?

Fred Wehba: When you have love in your heart, you do not feel jealous of what another has. The ability to love is the greatest gifts that we have been given, so when you find it there is no reason to be envious of anything.

Q: Why is love considered “not self-seeking?” Don’t we love to make ourselves better?

Fred Wehba: In its purest form, love does not develop just to make us feel good. Of course, that euphoric feeling comes with the love itself. You cannot force love into your life for your self-serving purposes.

Q: Is it possible to love during times of great darkness?

Fred Wehba: The Bible states that love does not delight in evil. Instead, it rejoices with the truth. This means that love will find a spark even in the darkest times.

Q: What are some ways to show love?

Fred Wehba: People show love in many different ways. A child will show love with the simplest of acts such as a hug or a trusting glance.

Q: And adults…?

Fred Wehba: Adults show their love in the compassion and empathy that they offer to others.

Q: Do animals love?

Fred Wehba: As God’s creatures, I believe that animals are capable of love. Their love is not shown or developed in the same way as humans though, because they are not human.

Q: Why does the Bible say that love never fails?

Fred Wehba: Real love is incapable of failure. So the feelings that do fail are not love.

Q: How is love different from the concept of knowledge and prophecy?

Fred Wehba: Knowledge can be lost over time and prophecies may come and go. The love of God is eternal.

Q: What does the Bible mean when it states that when “completeness comes, what is in part disappears?”

Fred Wehba: It’s very simple, really. When a part becomes a whole the unfinished is no more. The emptiness disappears and only the whole remains.

Q: Why does the Bible refer to a man as a clanging cymbal if he does not have love?

Fred Wehba: A man who speaks without love in his heart is simply making noise.

Q: Is it possible to learn to love by performing unselfish acts?

Fred Wehba: If the acts are truly selfless, you can open up the room for love in your heart. However, if they are done with the intent of gain that they are not pure.

Q: What is the most sustainable form of love?

Fred Wehba: All love – real love – is sustainable and shall remain despite circumstances, distance, and inconvenience. The only One who loves that perfectly is God Himself.