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Pam Gray of Bonaventure Speaks about Seniors Who Reject Traditional Retirement

In Lifestyle on April 26, 2013 at 11:06 am
Pam Gray Bonaventure

Pam Gray Bonaventure

Pam Gray, Bonaventure COO, says the Bonaventure family is about one thing: life on your terms. Bonaventure is dedicated to providing a comfortable, caring, affordable place to call home by providing the amount of expert help and care you desire—from a little to a lot. Recently, the staff of Presentation Solutions sat down for a conversation with Pam Gray of Bonaventure.

Presentation Solutions: Everyone gives up working at some point in order to retire and relax, don’t they?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure:  Not everyone. Some senior adults have started a successful career when they were long past retirement age.

Presentation Solutions: Successful? You mean they continue working in established careers, don’t you?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure:  No, I mean completely new careers. A wonderful lady who goes by the name, “Grandma Moses”, worked on a farm until she was too frail to do manual labor. She taught herself to paint when she was 78 years old. She then went on to become one of the most successful folk artists of the last century, perhaps because no one could convince her she was too old to do it.

Presentation Solutions: But isn’t that just one individual who beat the odds?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure:  Well, there’s also Peter Roget. He was a retired doctor who liked to make lists. He published his giant list of words as a book at age 73. Maybe you’ve heard of it: Roget’s Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. Most people just call it “The Thesaurus.”

Presentation Solutions: Okay, okay. But those two are exceptions, right? Don’t all seniors eventually retire and settle into a sedentary lifestyle?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure:  At Bonaventure we encourage our residents to do what they enjoy. You’d be amazed at what senior adults can do with a little encouragement.

Presentation Solutions: So, amaze me…

Pam Gray, Bonaventure:  How about great grandmother Mary Armstrong? On her 90th birthday, she celebrated by making a 12,000 foot skydiving jump. Or maybe biker chick, Bess Tancrelle, who celebrated her 102nd birthday by taking a ride on a Harley Davidson motorcycle.

Presentation Solutions: That is amazing!  They must have never had any serious injuries or illnesses to allow such incredible feats, right?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure:  I can’t speak to that particular question, but one lady I know about named Tao Porchon-Lynch had surgery for a broken hip at age 87. Her doctor told her that her body would never be the same and to take it easy from then on. She thought about it, said no way, and at age 93 went on to ballroom-dancing competition. She also teaches yoga classes twelve times a week.

Presentation Solutions: That is one determined woman! Does that kind of thing happen often?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure:  It isn’t that uncommon in today’s world. Geriatric specialists tell us that longevity is the new normal. I expect more and more people will achieve surprising physical and mental accomplishments well into their 90s and beyond.

Presentation Solutions: Isn’t this a rare occurrence in the retirement community?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure:  Actually, it’s becoming relatively common to see seniors participating in physically-taxing events like marathons and long-distance cycling.

Presentation Solutions: So it is an individual undertaking and not a community thing?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure:  It can involve a group of senior adults with the same interests. Senior leagues for softball, baseball and swim teams are forming across the country.

Presentation Solutions: What is driving this change in the way seniors spend their retirement years?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure:  Baby Boomers are often mentioned when the topic of so called over-achieving seniors are mentioned. Baby Boomers have been accused of not wanting to grow old and are determined it isn’t going to happen to them. But the 80-, 90-, and 100-year olds we’ve discussed today aren’t Baby Boomers. Some of them are even older than the parents of Baby Boomers.

Presentation Solutions: But it seems a little strange that it is happening now across the country. Is something else driving these extraordinary changes in retirement attitudes?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure:  I would say, yes. It is a very recent phenomenon and there are definitely extenuating factors.  People are more aware of how much lifestyle changes affect their health and longevity. Advances in medicine also play a major role.

Presentation Solutions: Even with those considerations, we’re talking about some serious physical exertion that demands unwavering dedication. How do they do it?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure:  For the majority, the simple answer is they love the activities they have chosen. The pleasure of their accomplishments more than outweighs the monotony of the daily effort it takes.

Presentation Solutions: We’ve talked about physical prowess. What about mental agility and senility?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure:  I’m glad you asked that. Often, people make a broad assumption about older adults. They are old, therefore they are mentally deficient. This is a harmful myth. The belief that cognitive function declines with age has not been proven.

Presentation Solutions: Are you saying that aging doesn’t affect our ability to learn and communicate effectively?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure:  Well, for example, many people don’t remember that Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister of England—twice. He served a second time in 1951 when he was 77 years old.

Presentation Solutions: No, I confess I didn’t know that.

Pam Gray, Bonaventure:  Much like Peter Roget and his Thesaurus, there’s Noah Webster. He didn’t publish his first dictionary until he was 69 years old.

Presentation Solutions: I suppose there are numerous authors we could name. What about other professions?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure:  Barbara McLintock, the discoverer of genetic transposition, or cell mutation changing DNA, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine at the age of 81.

Presentation Solutions: I didn’t realize there were so many older adults who had made such an impact on our lives. I thought most people retired early to relax.

Pam Gray, Bonaventure:  In today’s world, sixty-fix is not very old.  While early retirement before the age of 65 does seem to be a trend, that doesn’t mean those retirees stop working. They often leave the work they’ve done all their lives to start a new career or pursue other interests that may not have been possible for them in their earlier life.

Presentation Solutions: These facts are definitely food for thought. It’s encouraging to know there is life after retirement. And it sounds like a lot of fun.

Pam Gray, Bonaventure:  There are a lot of senior adults who agree. Getting older is inevitable, but how we handle it makes all the difference. Our outlook on aging has changed drastically in recent years and it continues to evolve.

Pam Gray of Bonaventure is passionate about offering senior adults the best in retirement accommodations and assisted living. Bonaventure communities are located in the Western United States. For more information, visit

Kelley D. Hamilton Reports on the “Bonaventure and You” Project

In Personal, Professionals on April 12, 2013 at 4:25 am
Kelley D. Hamilton

Kelley D. Hamilton

As Chief Executive Officer of Oregon-based Bonaventure Senior Living, Kelley D. Hamilton says his mission is to expand the company’s generosity. In order to accomplish this goal, Kelley D. Hamilton encourages staff members and residents alike to support local charities. Recently Kelley D. Hamilton spearheaded the “Bonaventure and You” program, an opportunity to give back to local charities. Kelley D. Hamilton describes the effort in the following Q&A.

Q: Kelley D. Hamilton, when did the “Bonaventure and You” start?

Kelley D. Hamilton: We kicked it off last November, in 2012. I would like to expand the program, though.

Q: How does “Bonaventure and You” work?

Kelley D. Hamilton: We designed the program so that any new resident in a Bonaventure community could select a charity of their choice to receive a $1,000 donation in their name paid for by Bonaventure.

Q: That’s a great idea!

Kelley D. Hamilton: Yes, and there’s more. If a current resident has referred the new resident, we will donate an additional $500 gift in the current resident’s name.

Q: Were the Bonaventure communities themselves involved?

Kelley D. Hamilton: Yes, the Bonaventure communities gave their residents the option of choosing six more local charities, for $250 gifts each along with an award ceremony honoring those who do so much for their local communities.

Q: How were the donors recognized?

Kelley D. Hamilton: We invited the general public to a “Heroes of Hope” celebration in each community, thanking both donors and charities.

Q: Were you pleased with the results of the effort?

Kelley D. Hamilton: We set up a total of 286 gifts to 236 charities. That’s in addition to the home office’s gift of over $70,000.

Q: What was the territory involved? How much was the total amount raised?

Kelley D. Hamilton: Our communities are located in Montana, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Nevada and Idaho. The total giving was well over $150,000!

Q: What prompted you to initiate the “Bonaventure and You” program?

Kelley D. Hamilton: It’s simple; we care about the same things our residents care about. We want to be able to help not just our residents, but everyone in the local community.

Q: What are some examples of the charities your residents have selected?

Kelley D. Hamilton: Organizations like the Alzheimer’s Network, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Oregon Paralyzed Veterans, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, the VFW and the Humane Society.

Q: How can people find out more about this program?

Kelley D. Hamilton: They can visit their local Bonaventure community, or go to for details.

Q: Any parting thoughts?  

Kelley D. Hamilton: Yes. I’d just like to say that it’s really worth it to experience the satisfaction people get from contributing to causes and organizations they believe in, be it their local church or a national charitable organization. We understand how difficult it is to make those decisions in a tight economy, and it’s gratifying for us to be able to help.

Kelley D. Hamilton attended Portland State University. After earning his degree in Finance and Business Administration, Kelley D. Hamilton co-founded Kline Hamilton Realty Advisors. It was during his time at Kline Hamilton that Kelley D. Hamilton found his calling in senior living.

Kelley D. Hamilton came on board with Bonaventure in 2000, when it was still known as Mountain West Retirement. Today, Kelley D. Hamilton presides over a company that manages 37 flexible retirement communities across several states in the western and northwestern U.S. Always sensitive to the needs of residents, Kelley D. Hamilton has instituted feedback forms and town hall meetings at Bonaventure communities which has lead to Bonaventure’s stellar 96% resident satisfaction rate.

Omega-3 Fats Are Essential to Good Health

In Health and Beauty on April 9, 2013 at 6:14 am

Some people may find it difficult to believe that fat is crucial to good health, but it’s true.

Fatty acids are critical for the normal production and functioning of cells, organs, nerves, and muscles. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are necessary to everyone’s diet. Because the body doesn’t produce them, these fatty acids must be obtained from food. However, in order to get enough Omega-3 fats from food it would be necessary to eat large amounts of fish such as sardines, herring, trout, anchovies and wild salmon. The majority of people don’t eat enough fish and those that do often don’t eat the right type of fish.

Other good sources of Omega-3 fatty acids are dark green leafy vegetables, walnuts, and flaxseed. Since Omega-3 fatty acids obtained from vegetarian sources isn’t processed as easily as the Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, a daily supplement of fish oil capsules is a viable alternative for vegetarians or for those who aren’t fond of fish.

Omega-3 fats have numerous health benefits. Research indicates it can lower triglycerides and boost heart health. Studies have also found it can benefit patients with depression, age-related memory problems, anxiety, and rheumatoid arthritis. Omega-3 fats have been utilized to help stabilize heartbeat and reduce blood pressure and joint inflammation. In addition, clinical studies show Omega-3 is essential for vision development in infants and may help protect adults from macular degeneration and glaucoma.

The standard American diet contains large amounts of processed food and meat which contain substantial amounts of Omega-6, or bad fatty acids. This appears to be a factor in the cause of a number of serious health problems. One of the best ways to improve diet is to eat fewer foods that are high in Omega-6 fatty acids and eat more foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.

In order to decrease the amount of Omega-6 fatty acids, avoid highly processed and fried foods. Many cooking oils are very high in Omega-6 fatty acids. Trans-fats interfere with the body’s absorption of Omega-3 and may contribute to a number of serious diseases such as heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, and immune system disorders.

In summary, if sufficient Omega-3 fats cannot be obtained through food, a supplement is recommended. Before using any supplement, always talk with a doctor. She or he may have specific recommendations regarding supplements as it pertains to individual health concerns and prescription medications.

YOR Health Reveals Qualities for Successful Leadership

In Health and Beauty on April 4, 2013 at 4:12 pm
YOR Health

YOR Health

Irvine, California-based YOR Health is a company on the move. With hundreds of Independent Representatives across the globe, the company is bringing health and wellness to those who need it most. YOR Health offers its network of Independent Representatives the opportunity to create happiness and wealth while helping others achieve their health and nutrition goals. In this brief article, the team at YOR Health discusses several key qualities necessary for successful leadership.

We often say that the strength of YOR Health is its people—and that is true. In any organization, its leadership is what provides the guidance, support, and inspiration to leverage that strength to achieve maximum success. Certainly, without its leadership, YOR Health would not be in the successful position it is in today.

Victim or Victimizer?

Often, says YOR Health, people find themselves stuck in the position of Victim or Victimizer. Neither position is desirable from the standpoint of leadership, however. It takes great personal strength to break the karmic cycle that would have us stay in these positions of Victim or Victimizer into which we have been cast, reflects YOR Health.


The true leader – whether at YOR Health or elsewhere – has risen above these roles and occupies a third position, the role of Victor. The most fundamental characteristic of the Victor is this: he or she takes responsibility for everything in his or her life. By doing so, he or she is never the victim, according to YOR Health. All that exists in the world of the Victor is to identify challenges and to conquer them.

Discover a New Version of You

A YOR Health leader is someone who serves his or her community, acting as a teacher and a trusted support to others. Our leaders have a commitment to the team and are ready to get out there and show others how to grow to become successful leaders themselves. More than anything, a YOR Health leader inspires others to want to grow and to better themselves.

YOR Health believes each person has the potential for leadership. All it takes is the right opportunity and the right environment to nurture that leadership potential.

YOR Health wants to help IRs grow as people and become leaders. YOR Health commits to improving your life in three key ways: financially, physically and mentally. It can safely be said that YOR Health leaders are students for life, always open for greater learning, greater understanding. At the annual YOR Health Leaders’ Summit (YLS), leaders will train attendees for leadership by showing them how to become the best version of self that is possible. By focusing on mental / emotional / spiritual growth, YOR Health believes that all other important areas of life will be improved as well – and not just as an IR for YOR Health. If you have the desire to grow as a person on every level, this is by far the most powerful vehicle available anywhere.

YOR Health Leaders Lay Foundation for Others

It must also be said that YOR Health’s leaders are both humanistic and pragmatic. Many people have the desire to “help others.” Our leaders understand that in order to truly help others, we must first take care of ourselves; we must build a solid foundation from which we can go forth and have something to offer that will be able to make a positive difference in the world.

YOR Health cites two different schools of thought in leadership that can be summarized as “outside in” and “inside out.” “Outside in” means understanding how others think and how to reach and inspire them. “Inside out” means understanding self, so that one can be solid and clear enough in his or her purpose so that he or she can continuously inspire and develop those who follow.

Both are crucial to genuine YOR Health leadership.

Finally, an inspiring leader is defined by his or her passion—passion for product, passion for company, passion for life. YOR Health provides a vehicle for bringing out the passion in each individual by offering an amazing product that benefits people, an amazing community that inspires individuals to new heights, and a company culture that ultimately is a celebration of life.

True leadership is the most rewarding activity in life and YOR Health encourages Independent Representatives to take on this challenge.

Retail Sales on the Rebound in the U.S.

In Marketing on April 2, 2013 at 1:45 pm

Retail store sales increased more than double the expected amount in February 2013, a sure sign the economy is well into recovery as consumer confidence rises.

Economists were surprised by the sudden increase and few said they saw the change coming. Companies like Costco and Ford benefitted from this rise as well, which may lead to more job openings as the organizations become more confident in their yearly profits and business outlook.

Raymond Stone, a managing director at a business research company based in Princeton, New Jersey, says the rise in retail sales is “comforting” because it shows the country is on the right track towards economic recovery. The fact that the increase exceeded even many optimistic projections is a very positive sign, he says.

This retail boom also helped the stock markets, as the Dow Jones Industrial Average had its longest rally since 1996. Building material companies like Lowes and Home Depot, car dealerships, general merchandise stores, and even many Internet-based retailers saw the biggest increases during this time period. The sales of cars and trucks saw a large increase over the same period last year, increasing from 14.4 million units sold to 15.3 million.

Warehouse and discount-chain giant Costco reported a 39 percent increase in its second quarter profits by continuing to further increase discounts. The stores also benefitted from their discount prices on necessities like gasoline and other household items that are marketed under the store brand, Kirkland.

The increased spending may be due to the fact the job market is slowly picking up and unemployment rates are dropping and staying below eight percent. Retail stores added 24,000 new employees in February, which also exceeded many economists’ predictions for the time period.

These signs of an improved economy have many speculating that the U.S. may be on its way to a long-term recovery that could stabilize things for years to come. However, some businesses still struggled during this retail boom, including companies like Wal-Mart and Target. But economists are hopeful that the optimism in the employment sector and retail industries will spill over into other economic factors like the housing market and overall consumer confidence—both essential for a healthy national economy.

Overall, the gains reflect a positive trend in the faces of steady bad news on the economic front since the recession first started in the late months of 2008.