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Chef Ben Vaughn’s Kitchen Wisdom – Roasted Potatoes and Fewer Dishes

In Home and Family on January 26, 2010 at 6:13 am

Chef Ben Vaughn agrees with many of his fans and readers – washing dirty dishes is the least enjoyable part of cooking. However, Chef Ben Vaughn admits that it is impossible to get any good cooking done without making a lot of dirty dishes. Chef Ben Vaughn’s least favorite items to wash are the pots and roasting pans. They usually have to be washed by hand and that can be a real drag when you are absorbed in the art of culinary creation. Here, Chef Ben Vaughn offers some of his unique kitchen wisdom about how to save a little washing labor.

Roasted potatoes use up large roasting pans, and Chef Ben Vaughn knows they are a real bear to wash. There is a way to roast potatoes without using a roasting pan at all, says Chef Ben Vaughn. It just takes a little imagination and aluminum foil. Cut each potato in half, instructs Chef Ben Vaughn, leaving the skin on. Cut the potatoes long ways so that you have the greatest exposed area of potato. Spread a little margarine on the cut half of each potato. Chef Ben Vaughn says you may also sprinkle a little salt and pepper on the potatoes. Now preheat your oven to 400 degrees.

Next, says Chef Ben Vaughn, while your oven is preheating, place the buttered sides of the potatoes down on a large sheet of aluminum foil. Make sure the aluminum foil is large enough so that you can fold it over the potatoes after you’ve laid them out. What you want to do, says Chef Ben Vaughn, is make sure you can fold the foil over the potatoes and seal them into a pouch. Now place the potatoes in the preheated oven and bake them for half an hour.

When they’re done, unwrap the potatoes and you are ready to go. Throw out the foil and the mess is over. Chef Ben Vaughn reports that this is a simple and effective way to roast potatoes while saving arduous dish washing later. The other beauty of this method, mentions Chef Ben Vaughn, is that it uses much less fat than other methods of roasting potatoes. Enjoy!

According to Suncoast Rehabilitation Center, Bad Habits Can Be an Addiction in Disguise

In Health and Beauty on January 26, 2010 at 3:43 am

According to the staff at Suncoast Rehabilitation Center, many people who struggle with drug addictions avoid facing their problem by referring to it as a bad habit. “There are many addictions out there,” say counselors at Suncoast Rehabilitation Center, “and we see them manifest in many ways.” In this article, the team at Suncoast Rehabilitation Center explains and clarifies some of the fuzzy boundaries between addiction and bad habits.

Alcoholism is a classic example seen by the therapists at Suncoast Rehabilitation Center. Alcohol is such a common and readily available drug that many people even forget that it is a drug at all. At Suncoast Rehabilitation Center, treatment for alcohol addiction is a primary segment of their work with clients. Suncoast Rehabilitation Center sees many people who think they use alcohol casually, but in fact are addicted. These clients cannot get through a normal productive day without having alcohol. They become irritable, according to the staff at Suncoast Rehabilitation Center, and might even get shaky hands in anticipation of a drink. Suncoast Rehabilitation Center wants these clients to know that this is symptomatic of an addiction; it goes well beyond a bad habit, make no mistake about it.

Suncoast Rehabilitation Center reports that tobacco use is another “bad habit” drug that can fall under the umbrella of addiction. People who smoke with regularity, explains Suncoast Rehabilitation Center, depend on the effects of nicotine all day long. They are chemically addicted to the nicotine in the tobacco. Suncoast Rehabilitation Center states that nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on the planet.

Unfortunately, note the counselors at Suncoast Rehabilitation Center, alcohol and tobacco addictions are accepted addictions in our society today. This is why many times they are mistakenly labeled bad habits. Suncoast Rehabilitation Center has found that trouble is compounded because these invisible addictions to alcohol and tobacco become the foundation for other, more obvious – dangerous – addictions.

Sanctioned addictions, like alcohol and tobacco, create a cushion that addicts may use to bring drug abuse into the fold of their lives, says Suncoast Rehabilitation Center. Drugs, like sleeping pills or illegal street drugs, are blended into an addict’s mind as being nothing more serious than alcohol and tobacco. Suncoast Rehabilitation Center understands the severity of drug addiction in all of its many forms. Suncoast Rehabilitation Center is committed to leading as many people as possible out of the dark labyrinth of addiction.

Vitamin Therapy for Your Nails and Hair | Jerrold D. Bass

In Professionals on January 23, 2010 at 7:56 am

Your hair and nails are both very good indicators of the general health condition of your body. If you are suffering from illness or stress then that is sure to be reflected in your skin, hair and fingernails. Your hair may have conditions like brittleness, thinning, breaking, and splitting when neglected or when you are in a very stressful situation. Jerrold D. Bass also tells his clients that their hair will show evidence of neglect if their body is deficient in essential nutrients and vitamins.

Most of us know that nutrition is very important for our bodies. But even though hair and fingernails are just dead cells, they are an important indicator of the general well being of a person, says Jerrold D. Bass. When your body is lacking in essential nutrients, or if it loses the ability to absorb nutrients from the food it receives, then your body will use up its internal resources. This causes weaknesses that will be outwardly reflected in the skin, hair and fingernails.

So if you want to be sure to have beautiful, healthy hair, Jerrold D. Bass says to make sure that you consume foods that contain the essential vitamins like vitamin A (produces healthy sebum in the scalp), vitamin C (antioxidant), vitamin E (improves scalp circulation), Biotin (produces Keratin), Inositol (keeps hair follicles healthy), Niacin (promotes scalp circulation) and pantothenic acid, Para-Aminobenzoic Acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 that prevent graying and hair loss.

Most vitamins are derived from food. The most common food-based sources of vitamins are: citrus fruits, green vegetables, fruits like pineapple, strawberries, kiwi, potatoes, green peppers, cheese, vegetable oils, soybean, raw seeds, dried beans, wheat germ oil, brewer’s yeast, whole grains, eggs, liver, rice, milk, fish, turkey, chicken and red meat. Other nutrients required by the body are proteins and minerals like iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium and essential fatty acids.

Jerrold D. Bass utilizes several hair care products available in the market today that act as essential vitamins for hair and nails. These are in the form of oils, shampoos, gels, sprays, lotions and creams. Many must be prescribed by specialists but some are also available over the counter. However, Jerrold D. Bass recommends that you consult a specialist before using these products. That way you will be sure to select the product that will maximize benefits to your own specific hair condition.

Advice from Konrad Kafarski | Keeping a Business Name Yours – Konrad Kafarski

In Professionals on January 22, 2010 at 10:55 am

Konrad Kafarski knows that starting a new business can be a terrifying adventure for even the most experienced business person. There are so many details and risks to account for, notes Konrad Kafarski, and yet he affirms that the entrepreneurial spirit prevails. If you have an entrepreneurial bent towards starting a business, you have much to consider, says Konrad Kafarski. Elements like the right product, enough financing, accounting, and legal representation are all critical components of getting a business going. Long before you need inventory, says Konrad Kafarski, you will need an experienced lawyer.

You’ll need an attorney, continues Konrad Kafarski, because the legal side of starting a business often has the most obscure and intimidating angles. Customers never see the legal end of your operations, says Konrad Kafarski, but your company could not exist without it. Before a business plan gets too far along, recruit the help you’ll need.

Konrad Kafarski notes that what often serves to snag a budding business proposition is the seemingly simple need to choose a business name. A name is not something to be taken lightly, adds Konrad Kafarski. Your business name will be at the core of your recognizability to customers. Konrad Kafarski knows it can be a challenge to choose a name that is short and recognizable, while still conveying the mission of your enterprise. Often entrepreneurs use the names of loved ones when naming their businesses. There are many options, agrees Konrad Kafarski.

Konrad Kafarski urges entrepreneurs not to overlook the legal issues that come with choosing a name for your business. The name you choose will be how you identify your company to the world. It will be emblazoned on all of your literature. Choose a name to be proud of, and choose one that will have longevity. Most importantly, says Konrad Kafarski, choose a name that you are sure you own.

The legal business of sorting out company names is under the umbrella of trademark law, explains Konrad Kafarski. Lawyers help business owners make sure that their name is unique and safe, so that no other entity will come along and lay claim to the name you have chosen. You may have heard horror stories about a large corporation squeezing out a small operation because that small business had the same or even a similar name as the corporation. By consulting with an experienced attorney during your naming process, Konrad Kafarski says that you can ensure that this fate does not befall your new business.

Bobby Martyna, CEO of Tradavo, Looks at Some Myths and Realities of Starting a Business – Part Two

In Marketing on January 16, 2010 at 8:05 am

Building on Part One of a series on starting your own business, Bobby Martyna, CEO of Tradavo, continues his look at some of the common myths surrounding the pros and cons of becoming an entrepreneur.

You Have To Have an Original Idea

Not really. Many businesses are built around the same central idea. The difference is in the delivery. For instance, the core of all fast food places are the same. But they are marketed in unique ways. You can make a very comfortable living by copying someone else’s idea but the key is to do it in a different way. Don’t be discouraged by critics who will point out that “it’s been done before.” Just respond, “Great! That shows the idea works!”

You Will Be Your Own Boss

As CEO of Tradavo, Bobby Martyna knows that there’s only one boss in his new business and that is the customer. Customers are key to success. The customer is the one who calls the shots. You have to listen and take note, before someone else does. However, at the end of the day, when all their demands are met, then perhaps you can have some time to yourself and enjoy the pleasures of being your own boss after all!

It Takes Too Much Money To Get a Business Going

Some businesses do require a large initial investment but there are many businesses you can start that don’t necessitate a large amount of stock, machinery or equipment. Many don’t require much more than your brainpower, your knowledge and your time. A business where you sell your expertise, not actual goods, often offers high profit margins. All it takes is a computer, a desk and a cell phone.

You Get to Choose What to Do

We all have areas in which we excel, and normally these strengths lead us to specific areas of work. While paperwork or bank statements may be something you hate doing, working for yourself doesn’t offer the luxury of avoiding these unpleasant tasks. You may be able to take a course to improve your skills, or if it’s something you honestly cannot do, then hire someone to do it for you.

About Bobby Martyna:
Bobby Martyna is a seasoned entrepreneur who has founded a number of venture-backed companies in e-commerce, enterprise and communications software companies. Bobby Martyna is also the founder and CEO of Tradavo, a wholesale marketer and distribution agent for small format retail. The Tradavo startup was completely self-funded and is currently the market leader in providing services from design to sourcing to small format retailers.

Turan Sahinkaya’s Son Selected to Participate in US Club Soccer’s

In Professionals on January 15, 2010 at 1:14 pm

It was a dream come true for eleven year old local soccer player, Chad Sahinkaya, son of Lori and Turan Sahinkaya.

According to Chad’s father, Turan Sahinkaya, “Chad currently plays for the North Texas #1 ranked 98 team of the Solar Soccer Club in Dallas and was selected to participate in US Club Soccer’s id2 invitation-only National Identification Development Program. The id2 Regional Training Camp was held in Frisco on Nov. 12-15 at Pizza Hut Park.”

Turan Sahinkaya explained, “The id2 Regional Training Camps bring together the nation’s top youth players for four days of training, competition, and evaluation in front of U.S. National Team staff in hopes of finding talent for the United States U-14 Boys National Team. The program is sponsored by Nike and covers all players expenses including hotel, food,
transportation, and training gear. Chad told me he felt like he was treated as a professional soccer player,” chuckled Turan Sahinkaya.

“Chad was the only one selected from Solar, and the only 98 selected among all 96 and 97 team players, and one of only a handful of players picked from Texas,” added Turan Sahinkaya.

Turan Sahinkaya was clearly very proud of his son’s accomplishment as he concluded, “Soccer is such a big part of Chad’s life and he was thrilled to learn he was selected for the id2 camp allowing him the opportunity to compete against the most elite players in the nation. He’s been playing soccer since he was three and is a mentally and physically tough little player who is also skilled both technically and tactically. He has a natural gift for the game and his dream is to play professionally one day and I was so proud that he was able to embody his first glimpse of that life through this remarkable camp.”