Mount Carmel Youth Ranch Addresses Occult Involvement

In Youth Service on October 7, 2010 at 6:57 pm

Located in Wyoming, Mount Carmel Youth Ranch has a Catholic/Christian focus that helps young men see and recognize the bigger picture and deeper meaning of their lives. With this understanding usually comes certain changes in a young man’s core belief system that clashes with occult involvement, explains Mount Carmel Youth Ranch. As a result of understanding their place in the world and fostering their love of God, occult involvement goes right out the door for the young men at Mount Carmel Youth Ranch.

At Mount Carmel Youth Ranch, the seriousness of just how choices determine eternal reality becomes apparent to the young men in residence there. Thinking about such deep things allows the young men at Mount Carmel Youth Ranch to see the danger of their experiments with the occult.

Mount Carmel Youth Ranch works hard to educate young men in the truth of God’s Holy Word and teaches them how to use this knowledge to better themselves. Once they can apply these teachings to everyday life, personal happiness substantially increases, points out the staff at Mount Carmel Youth Ranch.

The programs at Mount Carmel Youth Ranch help young men understand the seriousness of occult involvement. Some youth enter the program believing they were just “having fun” or “messing around.” The truth, according to Mount Carmel Youth Ranch, is that involvement with the occult has a high chance of leading to violence or destructive behavior, and statistics fully back this up.

Playing with Satan worship or objects of an occult nature seems appealing to many rebellious youth, notes Mount Carmel Youth Ranch staff. This is why the Mount Carmel Youth Ranch program works to direct the interest of their young men to something more meaningful than themselves. Many of the youth today get caught up in the fascination of things forbidden—it appeals to their rebellious tendency, adds Mount Carmel Youth Ranch.

What can begin as a prank can often lead down a dark and dangerous road. Mount Carmel Youth Ranch has seen this type of situation repeated over and over again. There is a saying at Mount Carmel Youth Ranch that sums it all up: “It is the lies you spoke and lived that got you here, and it is the truth that will set you free.”

About the author

Mount Carmel Youth Ranch is a non-profit organization founded in 1993 that uses real life experiences on a 40,000-acre ranch to impact young men. Those visiting Mount Carmel Youth Ranch may fly into Cody, Wyoming or Billings, Montana. The remote location coupled with the raw beauty of the western United States immediately impacts families who are considering this ranch.

Most young men face a new reality when removed from familiar surroundings and confronted with wilderness, nature and a different perspective of the creation all around them. This wilderness setting provides a faith-based focus that helps mend a young man’s relationships with his family and his world while building a moral conscience. At Mount Carmel Youth Ranch a threefold focus on body, mind and spirit deliver changes that last a life time. Mount Carmel Youth Ranch believes in its process to such an extent that they guarantee the success of their Wilderness Therapy-Frontier and Long Term Programs.

Mount Carmel Youth Ranch serves young men between the ages of 12-17. Mount Carmel Youth Ranch processes applications year round, in as little as three to five days. The programs vary in length from ninety days to eighteen months based on individual needs. Mount Carmel Youth Ranch has confidence that the Wilderness Program and School make a positive impact on the young men attending their programs. Should a young man have a relapse after completing the eighteen month long term and Wilderness program, Mount Carmel Youth Ranch offers the Wilderness Therapy Intervention Program to him free of charge for twenty one days.

Mount Carmel Youth Ranch accepts applicants with addiction, behavioral and life style issues. Mount Carmel Youth Ranch offers to dispense medication in a controlled and secure environment that allows families to have peace of mind. All young men are required to attend regular church services weekly.  Mount Carmel Youth Ranch models the Catholic family, however all faiths are accepted and respected.

School attendance may or may not be required based on the term of the program.  Mount Carmel Youth Ranch uses the nationally accredited Seton Home Study Program, Christian-based and the Nationally Accepted Our Lady of the Rosary home study program which offers complete teacher services, texts, lesson plans, workbooks, tests, grading and diplomas.

The state of Wyoming Department of Family Services licenses Mount Carmel Youth Ranch as a group home. Mount Carmel Youth Ranch is a non-profit organization with a governing board of directors. All Mount Carmel Youth Ranch fees cover in-house counseling, tutoring, twenty four hour supervision, room and board, and personal hygiene products, as well as horses, saddle and all tack used during the stay at the ranch.

  1. Just wanted to let you know how I’ve been doing. I started football during the summer and I’ll be playing running back on JV. Overall I have been doing great! I was a little worried that when I got home from Mount Carmel Youth Ranch it would be hard to keep up my faith but I’m glad to say it has only grown since I’ve been home.

  2. There is a lot of misery I would have experienced down the road if it weren’t for Mount Carmel Youth Ranch and my family. Know that I am forever grateful for all the time and energy you have given to help me and the other boys at Mount Carmel Youth Ranch.

  3. I never thought I would say that I miss Mount Carmel Youth Ranch but as I’m sure you’ve heard from boys in the past, it was the greatest experience and some of the best memories I have in life. Looking back, one of the greatest things I miss about Mount Carmel Youth Ranch was that it was out in the country so life sort of slowed down to where I could think about my life and get it in order.

  4. I cannot thank all of you at Mount Carmel Youth Ranch enough for giving me back my life as God intended it.

  5. Our story starts out like everyone else’s – we had a son that we loved and for whom we would do anything to give him a normal life. We found it impossible to convince our son to remove himself from his poor choices and the consequences of [them]. With God’s guiding hand, we found Jerry and Mickey Schneider and Mount Carmel Youth Ranch.

  6. It was a difficult first month for our son at Mount Carmel Youth Ranch. He was immature, irreverent, and irresponsible. But, shortly thereafter a total change began to occur in our son. He developed a real sense of purpose and respect for himself. The smallness of the group at Mount Carmel Youth Ranch and the individualized attention he received from Jerry Schneider and the Mount Carmel Youth Ranch family proved to be invaluable in the resulting maturity of our son.

  7. Our family will always be indebted to Mount Carmel Youth Ranch for what it took to turn our son from a boy of poor choices to a man who understands the consequences of life choices and the impact not only on himself but on others. Our son has truly been blessed with the opportunity of having been a “family member” of Mount Carmel Youth Ranch.

  8. The Mount Carmel Youth Ranch environment, providing daily activities with animals and hard work to keep the “working ranch” operating, provided the opportunity for our son to realize the importance of responsibility and its outcomes. When you take ten “struggling teens” from all over the United States and put them together at Mount Carmel Youth Ranch they must learn cooperation and acceptance of each other in order to understand the required responsibilities of making a working cattle ranch survive. At Mount Carmel Youth Ranch, our son learned that the combination of faith and hard work led to accepting responsibility, promoting self-esteem and self-confidence, and ultimately being able to make the proper choices in life.

  9. The Mount Carmel Youth Ranch environment, providing daily activities with animals and hard work to keep the “working ranch” operating, provided the opportunity for our son to realize the importance of responsibility and its outcomes. When you take ten “struggling teens” from all over the United States and put them together at Mount Carmel Youth Ranch they must learn cooperation and acceptance of each other in order to understand the required responsibilities of making a working cattle ranch survive. At Mount Carmel Youth Ranch, our son learned that the combination of faith and hard work led to accepting responsibility, promoting self-esteem and self-confidence, and ultimately being able to make the proper choices in life.

  10. We sent an immature, irreverent, irresponsible boy to Mount Carmel Youth Ranch in January 2000. In June 2001, we brought home a mature, responsible, devout man. Our family highly recommends the experience of Mount Carmel Youth Ranch to any other family looking for help and guidance for their son in need of a sense of purpose.

  11. Our son attended Mount Carmel Youth Ranch for 18 months. We [knew] if we didn’t find an intervention for him soon, he would either get kicked out of school or get in trouble with the law or perhaps even a worse tragedy.

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