Posts Tagged ‘O2 Media’

Interview: Gregory Fake, Television Producer and Volunteer Prison Minister

In Personal on February 9, 2013 at 3:03 pm
Gregory Fake

Gregory Fake

Gregory Fake, assistant producer for the award-winning Lifetime television program, Balancing Act, shares his personal side through talking with Community Blog Online about prison ministries.

Community Blog Online:  Thank you for joining us.  Please tell our readers how you got involved with prison ministries.

Gregory Fake:  I am a deacon at my church and prison ministry is a big part of our church mission.

Community Blog Online:  Prison ministry must be difficult; can you describe a bit about your first impressions of the prison environment and the inmates?

Gregory Fake:  Prison is a very different world.  For anyone who has never been on the inside, it can be startling.  The inmates were intimidating at first, but this changed as I became better at my counseling and better at understanding their needs.

Community Blog Online:  What services do you and your partners provide to inmates?

Gregory Fake:  Mainly, we do a lot of listening and reminding inmates that they are loved and there is hope.

Community Blog Online:  Talk more about the counseling provided to inmates…

Gregory Fake:  The people I meet in jail and prison have suffered tremendous hardships in their lives; I am there to help them deal with their demons, while creating a path to a brighter day through spiritual work.

Community Blog Online:  What do you do for the families of inmates?

Gregory Fake:  I am in the prison regularly and am available to families who might need advice and reassurance.

Community Blog Online:  Is it difficult for prisoners to see the brighter side of life?

Gregory Fake:  Of course.  Some of these men are wracked with guilt for the pain they have caused in others and don’t believe they are worthy of forgiveness.  I remind them that forgiveness is for everyone.

Community Blog Online:  What have you learned about yourself since becoming involved with prison ministry?

Gregory Fake:  The men I have met in jails and prisons are so honest and open about their challenges.  They have taught me to face challenges in my own life with more honesty.

Community Blog Online:  How does this ministry help inmates deal with their criminal past?

Gregory Fake:  Forgiveness is a huge first step for inmates.  Once they accept that they are forgiven, they begin to move forward.

Community Blog Online:  Do inmates always continue on that path forward?

Gregory Fake:  Unfortunately, no.  I wish it were that easy.  It is painful to watch someone who has come so far, someone I have come to know and care about, fall back into addiction or criminal behavior.  But we are all human and setbacks are part of the plan, so I cannot let that deter me from my passion to serve the other inmates.

Gregory Fake lives with his wife and children in Florida.  Prior to becoming a television producer, Gregory Fake worked as a business consultant for Fortune 500 companies and as a banking attorney. 

O2 Media™ Offers Clients Successful Connections with Customers

In Media on October 22, 2012 at 2:13 am

O2 Media™ is an award winning branded entertainment provider with a particular focus on women. Through their signature shows, The Balancing Act™ and Designing Spaces®, O2 Media™ has helped launch countless product lines and increase visibility for many existing products and services. O2 Media™ offers direct response marketing via television, print, and product integration resulting in a long line of happy clients during their years in the branded entertainment industry. Below is a sampling of the testimonials they have received over the years:


The goal that we are attempting to accomplish with being on The Balancing Act® is to reach women. We have a product that is ideal for moms on the go, anyone who is concerned with keeping their metabolism revved up. The Balancing Act® seems to be a great platform for us to actually reach those people.

Robert Ferguson, Nutrition/Author/Endorser, Proclaim Nutrition

The set of The Balancing Act® is now and has always been designed to emphasis products for our viewership – women. We are pleased that this platform was a good fit for you.
Doug Campbell, The Balancing Act
3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


Very nice atmosphere, comfortable people. I enjoyed my time here.

David Hawk, Marketing Consultant, Team Angel Barn Dad Nutrition

We strive very hard to create a relaxed environment. We believe our audience reads into the comfort levels of our guests. This is part of the reason why The Balancing Act® has been so successful the last 14 years. We appreciate your trust in O2 Media and The Balancing Act®.
Doug Campbell, The Balancing Act
3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


We believe that the audience traditionally has been just contractors but our real audience that we want to reach are homeowners, builders, real estate people—so more home industry people as opposed to plumbing contractors or fire sprinkler contractors directly.

Gary Ike, General Manager, Talco Fire Systems

We are glad to hear that Designing Spaces has put your product in front of a new demographic. Fire safety is something that all homeowners should be concerned about. Thank you for sharing with us.
Lysa Liemer, Designing Spaces

3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


We’ve done a lot in another life, in other companies that myself and my peers work with. We’ve done other programs like this but not one that has been so, I could say, The Balancing Act® is very segmented on women’s health. So for us, it fit perfectly.

Michael Sullivan, VP Sales & Marketing, Avlon Pharmaceuticals

We appreciate your vote of confidence and are positive this is the beginning of a long and lucrative relationship.
Doug Campbell,The Balancing Act
3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


The kitchen set was amazing. The food dishes looked great. So it’s just been really exciting for us.

Meghan Walker, National Sales & Marketing Manager, EZ Bean Cooker

Meghan, thank you for the kind words but your product definitely made it easy. The EZ Bean Cooker is a new favorite around here.
Doug Campbell, The Balancing Act
3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


It was a great experience, a lot of fun. You guys were incredibly well-prepared. You walked through the shots very professionally. The takes were gotten in a minimal amount of time. It was a great experience. You guys had everything together; we didn’t have a lot to worry about except to be here and make sure our talent was prepared. It was a great experience.

Judy Bellack, Primedia

Everyone needs a space and the Apartment Guide is sure to help some of our viewers find theirs. Thank you for joining us.
Lysa Liemer, Designing Spaces

3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


If you have a brand new product or really any product that you want to demonstrate or have a nice way to get in front of your target audience, it’s a good way to go.

David Gonzalos II, Founder & CEO, Impact Advanced Can

We try to make the experience as easy as possible for our clients. We understand that launching a new product can be difficult, especially when you are facing television for the first time. Thank you, David. We enjoyed you coming down to our studio.
Doug Campbell, O2 Media

3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


It’s been different in that we’ve been involved in shows. We have a video division also that we put together documentaries and such. I’ve done some interviews with historians and the former head of the KGB and such but it’s very different than that.

Dr. Kevin T. Brady, President & CEO, Amer. Inst. For History Education

We are so glad that our Parent-Teacher corner was such a good fit to get your message across. We agree with you that history is a vital component to our youths’ education.
Doug Campbell, The Balancing Act
3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


They are very welcoming. You get your own space and you get to prep. Then you go into hair and makeup. It’s wonderful. All of the equipment is laid out nicely. You are at ease when you’re on the set.

Sonia Thomasino, Marketing Manager, Pilot Corp. of America

This means so much to us coming from you. Thank you for the encouraging words and we look forward to working with Pilot again in the future. You’ve got the “Write” stuff!
Doug Campbell, O2 Media

3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


Typically we’ve been marketing only via the web. Any videos we do are YouTube and that type of thing. We haven’t done any television marketing. This is more people are sitting there watching the TV whereas on YouTube or wherever, you are competing with everybody else trying to get views.

Rick Wenner, Manager—Health & Fitness Products, Scosche Industries

One of the positives about having an established program like The Balancing Act® is that you know who your audience is going into it. We are so glad that we were able to provide your product to our viewership.
Doug Campbell, The Balancing Act
3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073

O2 Media’s Designing Spaces on Lifetime withJarrett Dornbusch

In Creative Arts, Home and Family, Media on April 23, 2012 at 6:56 pm
Designing Spaces

Designing Spaces

The following segment aired on Lifetime Television. Joining the show was Jarrett Dornbusch, a leader in outdoor design. Here, Jarrett allows our viewers a chance to see how he helps fix a couples’ backyard.

Host, David Jones: Okay Debie. How about a trip down memory lane.

Host, Debie Marie: Ahh-oh.

Host, David Jones: Now, don’t worry. We’re not going back that long ago. You visited a home where a backyard got the treatment. Remember?

Host, Debie Marie: Oh okay, yes. And there were fountains and outdoor furniture and a gazebo. You know, we really had a good time.

Host, David Jones: Well, I want you to see this so take a look.

Host, Debie Marie: Okay.

Host, David Jones: Does your backyard look like this?

Host, Debie Marie: Well, if this looks all too familiar, today’s show is perfect for you. We are going to show you how you can transform your backyard by yourself by just going to your local home store. We traveled to Douglasville, Georgia, a small and beautiful city just west of Atlanta. It’s home to the giant mailbox, Jolty’sJava and it’s also home to Amanda and Ryan.Hey guys. How’s it going?

Amanda: (The newlyweds are enjoying life together in their new home with their dog, Samson.) Well, we love living here. We love the house. My favorite room in the house is the living room. I like the columns that are in there. The fireplace, of course, is really nice. It’s cozy.

Ryan:I like the basement. We have a huge bar and projection screen T.V. We watch football games, events like that. It’s fun.

Marie:But although they are happy with the inside of their home, the backyard is a different story.

Amanda: Well, the backyard was defiantly one of the main reasons we bought the house. It was very like you said, open and spacious.

Ryan: We need lots of help back here.

Marie:Amanda and Ryan clearly need help in decorating their outdoor space. And to make things worse, they are planning a party tonight. And, where are you going to put everybody?

Ryan: Well, we don’t know just yet.

Designing Spaces: What would you say if I told you we could decorate this backyard where you could entertain everyone out here tonight?

Amanda: That would be great.

Ryan: That would.

Amanda: Yeah.

Ryan: Do you think we can get it done?

Designing Spaces: I think we can get it done. Backyard decorating is very important because it expands the living area to the home. One of the most popular trends is taking the inside out and the outside in. Jarrett Dornbusch is the head designer for Southern Patio. He has been a leader in outdoor design for over twenty-years. So Amanda and Ryan kind of waited to the last minute, but they are having people over tonight and they want to transform this backyard into an area where they can entertain. So is that something that you think you could help them with?

Jarrett Dornbusch: Absolutely, it is important that we give them everything they need for a party. Comfort, beauty, and functionality.

Designing Spaces: Okay and how would we do that? Like what types of things would you be able to supply?

Jarrett Dornbusch: We’ll, there are a few things, but again based on our trends of Earth, Wind, Fire. I will bring in a water feature. We will use some shade elements for the wind. We’ll use some nice planters and everything for the Earth.

Designing Spaces: They did mention they wanted some color, so that is good.

Jarrett Dornbusch: Yes, and we have a nice fire feature. A fire house, we would call it. And we’re going to set it up and make it a focal point.

Designing Spaces: Now, I know they are waiting until the last minute so they don’t have a lot of time. But normally the regular homeowner can go and get all of these supplies at their local home store. So you guys, this is a big project do you think you can handle this

Jarrett Dornbusch: Well, fortunately I brought a good team with me. So, yes.We are prepared. In here the wind chimes.

Designing Spaces: Jarrett shared his ideas for their backyard. Confident they were in good hands. They left to buy party supplies and to give the Southern Patio team time to work their magic. Jarrett, you did it. You pulled it off. This is beautiful.

Jarrett Dornbusch: Thank you.

Designing Spaces: I love this, now this is the focal point of what you were telling me before, the fire pit. Tell me a little bit about this.

Jarrett Dornbusch: Well, it’s all steel construction with MGo2, which is Magnesium Oxide and fiber glass mixed. It means it makes it fire proof.

Designing Spaces: I like that. Okay, this is great! So when you come out here if it’s maybe a cold night, they can sit down, they can put their feet up here that is going to make it very comfortable out here.

Jarrett Dornbusch: Absolutely. It gives off a great glow! And over here, we have a nice seating area that has one of our crank and tail solar umbrellas, so it’s got solar lights underneath it. It’s a nice night ambiance.

Designing Spaces: That is great. And in addition to that we have another table. They are going to be able to entertain because they were saying they BBQ and all their friends have to go inside. So now they have all this area over here. So tell me a little bit about it. You have a fountain over here, right?

Jarrett Dornbusch: Yes, we have a focus wall over here, which has a wall fountain on it with a concrete look. But everything is fiber glass products back there. We added a lot of color. We concentrated and we added a mixture of textures.

Designing Spaces: Yeah, you can and it really just brings out the warmth and it’s very comfortable looking. I think that is what they were going for as well. And we have another fountain over here, right?

Jarrett Dornbusch: Yes, this is a three tier fiber glass fountain that allows us to have the water feature and the water sound everywhere in the yard because you can hear it.

Designing Spaces: Yeah that is great. Okay, and then we have the gazebo over here. And you have the netting, so you could probably sit out here and not get bit by bugs.

Jarrett Dornbusch: Correct. Because it completely seals off. And it’s got nice water resistant fabric that you could sit out here even in the light rain.

Designing Spaces: And the shrubbery, I love the pots, the planters that you have out here. This is gorgeous. You know they are going to flip when they see this. I cannot wait for them to come home. Oh absolutely, I just hope they like it.

Amanda & Ryan: Oh My God.

Ryan: Oh wow. This looks amazing.

Amanda: I cannot believe this.

Designing Spaces: All in one day. That he did this. Okay, wait until you see this. Isn’t this gorgeous. Look at this your very own bar. Thanks to Jarrett and his design team at Southern Patio, the party was a success. There were tables and lights and lots of seating. The perfect space for an outdoor party. Southern Patio is the manufacture of all the products that you have seen here today. Their product line ranges from patio umbrellas and furniture to planters, outdoor speakers, wind-chimes, bird bath and bird feeders. Southern Patio products can be purchased at most major retailers across the country.

About Designing Spaces on Lifetime Television
The TV show is a half-hour informative series that inspires viewers to make every space count and instructs them on the smartest ways to make their homes more beautiful and functional.  To view a show online, just go to If you have a great idea for a story, or want to be a part of the show please contact LysaLiemer at

About O2 Media℠
Based in Pompano Beach, Fla., O2 Media℠ is a national television production company and pioneer of the branded entertainment industry. Since its inception O2 Media℠ has engaged, entertained and educated viewers with such reputable show as The Balancing Act, both airing on Lifetime Television. O2 Media℠ has earned hundreds of industry awards for revolutionizing the way brands engage with consumers on television. O2 Media℠ provides unmatched marketing value to its clients while producing quality content for its growing national viewership through Brandutainment®. Household brands and blue chip companies alike, continue to depend on O2 Media℠ for effectively communicating their message to consumers.  For more information, visit

O2 Media’s the Balancing Act on Lifetime with Lisa Radosta

In Media, Professionals on February 24, 2012 at 5:16 pm
O2 Media

O2 Media

The following segment aired on O2 Media’s The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television. Joining the show was veterinarian Lisa Radosta to talk about Novifit, a nutritional supplement for dogs and cats.

O2 Media: We love our pets, and as they grow older with us, just like humans, they start to exhibit signs of old age.  What we don’t always realize is that the undesirable behaviors characteristic of old age in dogs and cats can now be managed and even improved, just like in humans.  Here today to talk about this is Lisa Radosta, Veterinarian and Board-Certified Veterinary Behaviorist from Florida Veterinary Behavior Service.

I have a dog and a cat.  My cat just turned 10 this month and I’ve read that they can start to show some signs of age, some behavioral changes around that age, so I’ve been really kind of keeping an eye on him.  Is that true?

Lisa: That’s right.  Around that age, 11 in cats, we’re gonna start to see signs of cognitive dysfunction, or CDS.  This is a medical disorder that we see in geriatric dogs and cats that manifests itself by a decrease in cognition, memory, and learning.  Now, about a quarter of the dogs age 11 are going to show at least one sign.  Once they get to be 15 or 16, that number rises to 68%. In cats about age 11, we’re seeing about 35% of those cats showing signs.  As they get older, it is the same thing.  We’re seeing more and more signs in those older cats and dogs.

O2 Media: What kind of behavioral changes should I be looking for?

Lisa: You’re going to want to look for disorientation, changes in your cat’s interactions with you, changes in the sleep/wake cycle, lose of house-training, and changes in activity.  So, for example, some of my patients will get stuck in a corner, will not be able to figure out how to get out, and so they’ll bark and cry.  A lot of my patients keep their owners up.  From 2:00 in the morning till 6:00 in the morning, the animal’s pacing, howling, barking.  Then some lose their house-training.  Animals that were perfectly well house-trained now are eliminating in the home.  It’s very, very stressful for the family.  I mean, look, these are our babies. I want to commit to taking care of her.  But when you’re trying to manage your life, this elderly dog, you’re not sleeping at night, it’s very stressful.

O2 Media: So, if we start to notice these changes with our pets, what do we do?

Lisa: You need to go to your veterinarian because although CDS is not curable, it’s treatable and there are lots of great treatments.  We can use behavior modification, environmental changes, food, medication, and we can use nutraceuticals.  One of our newer nutraceuticals is called Novifit.  Novifit is SAMe.

O2 Media:  What is that?

Lisa: It is a substance that’s in your body and mine and our dogs and cats.  It’s mainly in your brain and your liver.  It’s a very powerful antioxidant and also boosts those happy neurotransmitters. Now, we have to think about this is a nutraceuticals, and not all nutraceuticals are created equal.  These are supplements that are not FDA regulated.  So you want to make sure when you go look at nutraceuticals, you look for quality and make sure that product has a good study behind it.

O2 Media: What have these studies shown when it comes to Novifit?

Lisa: What’s so cool about Novifit – and the reason I can get so excited about it – is because there’s an excellent, really rigorous study behind it.  About 50% of the owners saw their dogs mental impairment decrease by 50%.  That’s a big drop. More energetic dogs, more interactive dogs.  So we’re seeing those signs disappear using this type of supplement.

O2 Media: Now, you mentioned that nutraceuticals are kind of nutritional supplements.  How does Novifit work?  How do you give it to your pet?

Lisa: It’s very simple.  It’s just a once-a-day tablet.  You just give it in a little meatball of food just like you’d give anything else. It’s very, very easy.

About O2 Media

Based in Pompano Beach, Fla., O2 Media is a national television production company and pioneer of the branded entertainment industry. Since its inception O2 Media has engaged, entertained and educated viewers with such reputable shows as Designing Spaces and The Balancing Act, both airing on Lifetime Television. O2 Media has earned hundreds of industry awards for revolutionizing the way brands engage with consumers on television. O2 Media provides unmatched marketing value to its clients while producing quality content for its growing national viewership through Brandutainment®. Household brands and blue chip companies alike, continue to depend on O2 Media for effectively communicating their message to consumers.  For more information, visit O2 Media at